Thoughts about Mindfulness and Education
Mindfulness and education are one. In the field of education we are dealing with the greatest mystery of all: A child's soul. We are...

Demystifying Yoga / What is Yoga, Really?
Read the article by our Consultant Maria E. Varonis, first published at Akron Life Magazine, on March 2016 HERE! #yoga #meaningofyoga...

One-day Seminar by the Hellenic National Agency
One day seminar organised by the Hellenic National Agency, State Scholarships Foundation, on project management and monitoring of...

Experimenting with mandalas...
First, second and third graders of the Extended Schedule of the 1st Primary School of Rafina experimented with mandalas. According to art...

5th Panhellenic Yoga Festival
October 14-15, 2017 The Coordinator participated in the 5th Panhellenic Yoga Festival to gain insights about different types of yoga to...

YOYO at the 4th Panhellenic Schools' Sports Day
The first and second grades of the 1st Primary School of Rafina participated in the 4th Panhellenic Schools’ Sports Day under the moto...